Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm Finally Getting Organized!

I've been at my current job as PR Director for a public library for more than three years. It's a busy job and I always have 14 different projects going at once. It's great (and stressful) and I thrive on this kind of chaos, but it's a lot and the ever-growing piles of paperwork, newsletters, fliers, articles, etc., etc., etc., are getting to be a problem.

I consider myself a pretty organized person and though my office is a disaster, there is method to my madness. I pretty much know where everything is, but it's not just me anymore. I hired an assistant about six months ago and she's fabulous. Now that we are working together on tons of stuff, we both need access to my files. The problem is that right now only I know my system and we need to create something that works for both of us. Plus, I'm sick of the piles and I'm ready to do a little make-over project!

This week I got an e-mail from
See Jane Work, the "destination for office style and organization," and was instantly inspired. I love this Web site. I've shopped here before (I have a slight stationery-abuse habit) and I thought if I have to get organized I'm doing it with style. This site has everything from binders and file folders to desktop organization and storage (all things I need) and even some great eco-chic products like recycled notebook paper (with vegetable based ink) and this great staple-free stapler. Everything is amazing. Click, click , click. It should be here by next week. I love online shopping.

So the paperwork well on it's way to being tamed. Now for creative storage with some decoration, too. I'm going for
this look, but not for this price tag. So it was off to the Container Store. My assistant and I were in the office shelving area and she knew way more than I did about all this stuff (what is a wall anchor and why do I need one?) but we were still having issues finding everything. While she was looking for the right brackets, I was more interested in this green vase that was on display in one of the little office set-up examples, you know the ones with the cardboard computer. They had three of these green vases, but no price. My assistant insisted that it was just part of the decoration, but I thought no way would a store display things that were not for sale. That's crazy. Finally we (OK, she) got all the right shelves (with no help from a single store employee, ahem!) and I had this vase that I was determined to buy. Sure was NOT for sale! The clerk told me it was from Crate and Barrel and they just have it there for decoration! That's insane to me. They should either put on the bottom "for display only/not for sale" or how about this....have stuff that people can actually buy!! This concept seems so simple to me. Does the Container Store not like making money?

Luckily, there is a Crate and Barrel right next to the Container Store. I love Crate and Barrel. I could be in there for hours shopping for nothing, but this time I was actually there to get some decorations. Of course they no longer had the vase that the Container Store is used (three of!) just for decoration. But I did find a
great mirror and a few other things. The clerk that helped us was really great. I think her name was Denise and she knew all about art and how the different vases and plates they had were inspired by big-time artists. She was nice. A great shopping experience.

So that's how I'm getting orgazined. I know it sounds like I just went shopping, but...well, ok, now it's time to actually do the work. It's going to be tough. I hate throwing stuff away, oh the anxiety of it all. But it will be good and it all starts tomorrow. I'll post some before and after photos (HGTV-style) once it's complete! Wish me luck!